Women's Prayer Night
Friday, March 14, 2025, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Women are invited to meet together to discuss women's ministries and pray.
Because the AGM is meeting on the third Tuesday of the month, this month we are meeting on Friday March 14.
We will chat and pray. We can pray for the AGM.
- women’s ministries in our church you are participating in or know about
- women’s ministries you would like to start or see started
- needs of women (like the nursery - even though it’s a family need, and not strictly a woman’s need)
- any ministry needs you have
- any other concerns you have that you would like to bring up for prayer.
Open to all interested women attending Peoples Church, we meet via Zoom.
If you aren't on our prayer list, you can e-mail Nelsy for a link.