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Our Church Blog - Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Posted by Pastor Frank Humphrey on

Jesus said 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
John 14:6
Jesus makes an astounding statement in these words. This reflects the trilemma of C.S.Lewis - either Jesus was a liar, a lunatic or He is Lord. His resurrection from the dead (an easily attestable historical event) demonstrates that He is The Lord. We are all on a journey through life. If we trust Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are on a journey full of truth and life, heading for our Father's house. If we refuse to trust Him, we are not; we are on the road that leads to destruction.
The choice is ours. Choose wisely and trust in Christ!
(Originally printed in the church bulletin Aug. 24, 2014.) 

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