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Our Church Blog - Visiting Jerusalem

Visiting Jerusalem

Posted by Peoples Church Team on

Days 9, 10 & 11

Day 9 - Jerusalem (Old City of Jerusalem)

Holy Land Model

The Holyland Model of Jerusalem is a 1:50 scale-model of the city of Jerusalem in the late Second Temple Period. Construction of the Model of Ancient Jerusalem was undertaken in 1966 by Hans Kroch, the owner of the Holyland Hotel, in memory of his son, Yaakov (Jacob), a soldier who was killed in the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.

Originally on the grounds of the hotel, it was transported to its present location at the Israel Museum in 2006.


For a labeled diagram of the model from the 1970's (when the model was still located at the hotel) see the site.

Shrine of the Book 

This is the part of the Israel Museum where some of the Dead Sea Scrolls are displayed.

Palm Sunday Road (At the Gate)

Bible References:

Zechariah 9:9  /  Matt: 21:2-11  /  John 12:12-16


View from the Mt. of Olives

This is the current view (2018). 

If you'd like to see a view from an earlier time, take a look at this impressive painting from 1870.

The Mount of Olives is mentioned a number of times in the Bible. If you would like to know more you might want to look at:

Garden of Gethsemane

The spot where Jesus prayed before his arrest. 

Matthew 26:36-45 / Mark 14:32-50 / Luke 22:39-46 

Church of All Nations

Day 10 - A Further Exploration of Jerusalem 

 The Last Supper

Matthew 26:17-30 / Mark 14:12-26 / Luke 22:7-38 

The Western Cardo

The Western Wall


  ... and Day 11 We visit Jerusalem some more and also go visit Bethlehem

The Garden Tomb

The burial of Jesus:

Matthew 27:57-66 / Mark 15:42-47 / Luke 23:50-56 / John 19:38-42

The Resurrection:

Matthew 28:1-10 / Mark 16:1-8 / Luke 24:1-12 / John 20:1-10

Note: This location likely was not the site of the actual tomb of Jesus Christ. This is a much older tomb. However, it is a real tomb from Old Testament times in the general area of where Jesus was buried. It gives us a good idea of what it must have been like. 



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