Missionary Prayer Requests for October
Here are our prayer requests for October:
Jenna Smith:
- Please pray for the kids at Innovation Youth, for their ongoing safety, protection, and well-being. Pray for the staff who minister to them, as they share God’s love with them.
- Please pray for our food bank “Innovation Assistance”. Pray for safety for all the volunteers and staff who work there, and pray for the families and residents who are receiving the food baskets because they are in difficult life situations.
Tony Schaapman:
- Pray God grant us wisdom to resume whenever possible and navigate our way through our door to door ministry as there are uncertainties due to Covid 19. There are many in the McGill ghetto needing Christ!
- Pray as the colder weather comes and we will be forced to move from outside Alexis Nihon plaza to the metro area which requires a mask. It is very difficult hearing people with a mask. Pray the Lord bring us open and receptive hearts.
- Pray concerning the possibility of returning to Poland this summer.
Stephen and Karen Frank:
- Pray for Pastor Michel Martel, the voice of La Voix de l'Evangile, for those who listen to the radio broadcasts and for those who visit the ministry website to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and grow in His grace.
- Pray for children, teens and adults who follow Bible courses from our ministry in French and English to grow in their understanding of God's Word and in their love for the Lord<
- Pray for sufficient gifts to be designated for the radio broadcasts in order to eliminate the current deficit of approximately $6,000 and to maintain the broadcasts on WCHP - 760 AM
Peter Sollazzo:
I'm running Alpha for P2C at McGill this semester, so that would be one big prayer request. We've had 2 or 3 non-Christians come each time, so you can pray that they will get to know Christ through the program, and come to make a decision to follow him.
You can also pray for continued boldness from our Christian students to be inviting their non-Christian friends to Alpha.
Please pray that God help our students to continue to grow in him, to take steps of faith, and to seek and make use of different opportunities they have to share Christ with their friends.