Missionary Prayer Requests for November
We have these prayer requests this month:
Laura Wilson:
- Pray for creativity with youth to be able to serve them well the best way we can.
- Pray for strength, perseverance and energy in this incredible circumstance.
Angelica Langlais:
- Official invitation from Papua New Guinea officials,
- Exemption to leave from Australian government
- Wisdom in program design and operations in a Covid Context
Gabriel Barrau:
- We need support and prayer to move the main school
of mission from Yola to Abuja due to Boko Haram and bandits
that had scared all our new students. - We need additional money ($25,000) to purchase a second
vehicle for Mambilla Plateau alone covering over 300 villages
and five big towns. - Pray for funds to rent a building on the Plateau for now for the missionaries.
- Pray that GOM will be able to provide borehole wells to more communities.
Shu Yin Wong:
Pray for her renewal, rest and encounter with God so that she will be prepared and ready to jump into ministry in January in this very different time of COVID.