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Our Church Blog - Missionary Prayer Requests - 25/3

Missionary Prayer Requests - 25/3

Posted by Missions Committee on

Wesley and Priscilla Peach:

1. Pray for the personnel of Word of Life Canada (in Owen Sound and in Sherbrooke) as we want to be our best for reaching young people with the gospel and for discipling them effectively. 

2. Pray for daily wisdom for us (Wes and Priscilla) as we empower PdV staff and students in their walk with Christ and in their ministry responsibilities.

3. Pray for wisdom as we transition from academic administration toward ministry to our Bible School alumni. 


Richard & Haruyo Platt:

1. Pray for the Chinese Fellowship that meets in our home. Pray for: Yang, Emily, Yali, Mingyan, for spiritual growth. We are thankful for each person who attends. We see the Lord at work among us.
MJCF (Montreal Japanese Christian Fellowship) is organizing an Easter Celebration for Japanese-speaking children on March 29. At the last Christmas event, we had 14 children. Praise the Lord! 
2. Pray that the planning team will work together well, that many children will participate, and that we can build good relationships with the families who participate.
Thank God for the Japanese mothers’ online parenting meetings. 
3. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the leaders (Haruyo, Mariko, and Michiko), so that we will be sensitive to each mother's needs. 

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