Learning the Secret to Contentment
Phil 4:10-23 “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13 These words of Paul are amongst the most well known and most quoted in all the Bible. Often seen as an inspirational statement to mean that when Christians are empowered by Christ, nothing is beyond their capabilities. But this interpretation pays no regard to the context. So let us look at the context. Paul says that he has learned the secret to contentment. He can bear any situation, plenty or poverty, well fed or hungry, and in all things he remains content. So what is this secret? The answer is verse 13, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” The meaning of this verse is that Christ’s strengthening power sustains us and is wholly sufficient to endure all trials of life. The contentment found in knowing Christ is one that has the strength to weather any storm of life with joy and faithfulness. I believe that the promise that Jesus can bear the full weight of our soul is a greater, more powerful, more wonderful promise than the popular belief that God will help you reach your goals. We need not turn to anything else to find fulfillment, and if we ever find ourselves facing unimaginable odds, we have all it takes to sustain a life of faithfulness and joy. May you this day find true contentment in Christ. May His strength sustain you in the trial. God bless you. |