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Our Church Blog - God's Love and Wrath

God's Love and Wrath

Posted by Pastor Frank Humphrey on

"You turned from idols  to serve the living God and to wait for His Son from heaven who delivers us from the coming wrath."

These words of Paul in the first chapter of his first epistle to Thessalonica describes the believers life in summary form.

First, we turn  from idols, which means we turn from whatever takes the place of God in our life.

Second, having received Christ into our life we enter a life of joyful service to the living God. This is the only way to have a truly meaningful and hope-filled life.

Finally, during all this time we are waiting for the Son of God to descend from heaven to rescue us from the coming wrath of God which will fall upon this world.

The Wrath of God is not a popular topic but it is the natural response of a holy God to evil. But, He absorbed His wrath into Himself in His Son on the cross. The Judge of the universe stepped down from His throne and died for our sins. He was buried and rose again from the dead on the third day thus fulfilling prophesy. All we have to do is to trust Him and receive Him as our Lord and Saviour serving Him with joy; relying on the Holy Spirit to help us.

We look to His coming for us!

Originally printed in the church bulletin July 13, 2014. 



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