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Our Church Blog - From Sea to Sea

From Sea to Sea

Posted by Pastor Frank Humphrey on

He shall have dominion from sea unto sea.

~ Psalm 72:8 ~

Originally, after confederation in 1867, Canada was called the Dominion of Canada, from this verse; as was the state of Virginia (the Old Dominion). The fact that the term was taken from this Psalm is born out by the motto on the Canadian coat of arms, "ad mare usque ad mare", Latin for "from sea to sea". We should pray for our country that multitudes would come to Christ and be born again. We should pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit to glorify Christ by empowering Christians to witness for our Lord and Saviour who alone can give eternal life. We should pray for our governments, both provincial and federal, as well as the courts, that they would act justly.
 We should pray for our pastors and church staff that they would serve with joy and peace and not under a cloud!


These words were written on Canada Day, July 1, 2015.

Posted posthumously.


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