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Our Church Blog - August 2024 Missionary Prayer Requests

August 2024 Missionary Prayer Requests

Posted by Missions Committee on

David Ritz:
We are trying something a little new. We have challenged the local churches involved to think about “adopting” a faculty. That is, they would volunteer at all of the events put on by that faculty. This would enable them to build deeper relationships with the students that they meet. Two churches have agreed and have taken on Engineering and Science frosh. In total we have 16 events.

Please join us in prayer, specifically:

  • All 16 events will be adequately covered, we are looking for volunteers for 6 more events.

  • Protection for all volunteers, spiritually and physically. There would be energy, no sickness, and protection from attacks of the enemy.

  • That we could see deep relationships and community built with the students!

Laura Wilson:

1. Many of you have been wondering how my family situation is with the health of my mother.

  • Things have improved but are always a challenge. 
  • Please continue to pray with us as we navigate different health challenges that arise on a regular basis.

2. Please pray for us all as we head into a new season of growth and for the many opportunities that are ahead.

3. Please spread the word and pray about how you can best help as I minister to the teens and children I serve.


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