22-10 Missionary Prayer Requests
Steve and Laura Cyr:
Please pray:
- For Steve who continues to do street evangelism twice a week. Many people are interested in conversing, let's pray that their eyes may be opened to see Christ.
- For our children to have good friends.
- For opportunities to reach out and minister to students.
Julio Garcia Hernandez:
- Please pray for our Green Card USA process to be approved asap, as I can't go to the USA until that is settled.
- The driver that took us to the center of Tijuana for a USA tourist visa this summer was a Christian, he was very kind and he gave us contacts from other churches in Tijuana, amazingly he personally knew the director of a board of pastors of more than 300 churches. So pray that in the future we can work together and do something in Tijuana.
- We are still continuing with plans to hold a Hackathon in October in various cities in Mexico. So please pray for all the projects that will be successful and for those who will attend the event that they will be able to receive the gospel.
- Some time ago, we were invited to participate in a conference in Mexico City with people who work in indigenous communities. So this next October I will be a workshop speaker at this conference. Pray for new opportunities in these communities.