Missions Minded Program 2025
Every Sunday, from 01/26/2025 to 05/04/2025, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Mission Minded Program 2025
Peoples Church of Montreal
January 26 – May 4
Sundays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
On Zoom
General Information
The Mission-Minded Program is a 14-week course designed to prepare and equip you for serving in local or global missions. Its 21 contact hours cover 11 aspects of modern missions. Topics covered include:
- Understanding missions: Who is a missionary, and what constitutes the mission field?
- Developing a heart for missions and discerning God’s leading.
- Developing mission ministry skills in the following areas:
- Leadership and communication
- Evangelism, discipleship, preaching, and church/fellowship planting
- Adapting to the field and culture, health, and safety
- Transitioning to missions and re-entry
- Deciding where to go:
- Resources and people to help you decide
- Choosing a mission agency
- Raising prayer and financial support
Our teachers come from diverse walks of life and bring unique expertise—they include pastors, professors, campus ministry leaders, and missionaries representing local and international missions.
Teaching methods include lectures, discussions, journaling, mentoring, and short internships for those who are interested.
Anyone is welcome to “come and taste”—sit in on the first two sessions without paying. If you choose to continue, the registration fee is $30.
You can join us whether you attend Peoples Church of Montreal or not, as long as you desire to learn and explore where God may be leading you to serve Him and believe that God has called us to share the Good News..
Click here to register (on or after November 15th)
For more information email:
Dita – or
Hannah- or
speak to Pastor Ken Godon or Dr. Rodney Squire.